What We Cannot See
The Chrysler Building in the snow
Seeing this memory pass through my feed triggered an instant feeling, of relief, from the desperation I felt at that time.
A testament to capturing a moment in time with a photo.
So many pieces had to fall into place for my feet to be standing on the streets of NYC that night.
A savvy airline representative had compassion.
I was in the middle of a sea of white, yellow, and red flashing lights and a symphony of horns from the traffic jam around me when I looked up.
Through the clumps of snowflakes, I saw a beacon in the night after a long, uncertain journey.
The Chrysler Building in all its glory, silenced everything around me.
It is impossible to see the full picture of your circumstances.
The art of photography, for me, is the search for different views.
A memory of how fortunate we are to be in a very different place five years later.
A lesson in the power of what hope (from a healthcare provider) can do.
The perspective of, with grace, even dire circumstances can change.
A reminder of how things could have very easily been different.